Our Travel Blog

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Driving Miss Donna - what does this mean? Whenever I want to go somewhere, if Don is home he will usually drive. He always says he is driving miss Donna! This blog is for our travels, usually with our truck and fifth wheel trailer, but sometimes in our other wheels. When we are not vacationing check in for updates, although less frequent, about our life at home and our wonderful family:)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Merry Christmas

I know I just posted, but we had such a great Christmas Day I just wanted to share with you. Lindsay, Jeremy and Connor arrived about 4 pm on Christmas Eve. This year it was the Smith turn to host on actual Christmas Day.  

Lindsay and I got up early with Connor. He heard the reindeer leaving and couldn't sleep any longer!  Around 10:30 am Jeremy and I realized how long the extremely large turkey was going to take to cook and got down to business. Tracy, Cal, Blake, Emerson and Reese arrived  around noon, and it did not take long to start he stockings and presents. Everyone was pleased with their gifts, but for Don and I the best gift was having them all at home and watching everything unfold. We have a small house, and seeing them all gathered was amazing!  I always think back to having family visits at my Baba's house and how 20-30 people would gather and space wasn't a concern, although she lived in a one bedroom house that was almost too small for her. I remember lining up our babies to sleep on her bed. Those times taught me small house regardless, being together makes it okay. 

This was one of those perfect Christmas days. We ate, went to the nearby outdoor rink to skate, and ate an amazing turkey dinner.  Don and I marveled at how our little family has grown, and one more baby will be added soon. Every child has their own amazing personalities, and brings us such pride and love in so many ways. 

We always buy Christmas Jammie's, and this year on a family camping holiday in Jasper, we picked up these moose ones.  Aren't they just so cute, all bathed and ready to call it a day?

So I just wanted to say again what a great day we had and how much we love these kids and their moms and dads. We are truly blessed!

Talk to you next year. 

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