Our Travel Blog

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Driving Miss Donna - what does this mean? Whenever I want to go somewhere, if Don is home he will usually drive. He always says he is driving miss Donna! This blog is for our travels, usually with our truck and fifth wheel trailer, but sometimes in our other wheels. When we are not vacationing check in for updates, although less frequent, about our life at home and our wonderful family:)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Multiple Births

I'm going to tell you about the multiple births in our little family.  I need to go back to 1962 when I was born in February. As a child I often wondered if I was adopted, as I was left handed, brown eyed and the ONLY winter birthday in my family. Flash ahead to 2004 when Cal officially joined our family and I finally had someone to share my birth month with!
It wasn't long afterward that Emerson joined our family in 2009, and I had a girl to share my birthday month with!  How exciting. Later that year Jeremy officially joined our family and I had both our son in laws to share with. So now we are at 2 girls and 2 boys in February. Neat right?
Well 2012 comes along and although it was a close call, Connor joined our February line up on the 28th. Not accepting odd numbers we finally reached 6 February birthdays with Mason's arrival in 2014!
So I now share my February birthday with 5 more family members. Nothing can be more enjoyable than a month filled with parties and cake. And this year I was able to share Mason's day with him on the beach in California. Meals out, meals in, parties and visits. From the 3rd to the 28th, we have every excuse possible for overindulgence in desserts:)
I'm so sorry to be missing Connor's actual birthday this year but I will be thinking of him all day while attending a Federated Co-operative AGM in Saskatoon. We spent a special afternoon with Connor and bought him the traditional 3rd birthday gift - a bike!
Here are some photos capturing the days, in order of the birthday dates. 

As for Driving Miss Donna here is where we are at:

New blog in 12 days. Lol. Until then