Our Travel Blog

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Driving Miss Donna - what does this mean? Whenever I want to go somewhere, if Don is home he will usually drive. He always says he is driving miss Donna! This blog is for our travels, usually with our truck and fifth wheel trailer, but sometimes in our other wheels. When we are not vacationing check in for updates, although less frequent, about our life at home and our wonderful family:)

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Finally February

I don't say that because I want time to pass, but rather because February is always busy and ends with Don and I going away!

First Mason's birthday! We picked him up and as per usual with most of the kids, he knew what he wanted to shop for. Although there were Lego involved, he also had a couple of other ideas, and it didn't take long to finish that trip. Lunch of choice was McDonalds, and Lindsay and Connor were there as well, so we ended up with a family lunch.

Mason enjoying his 6th birthday day dessert and his birthday party that we were still home to attend.

Next birthday up was Emerson. Emerson was so excited for her 11th birthday treat! She knew she wanted some new clothes and what stores to.find them in so off to West Edmonton Mall we went. She's a bit slower shopper then the boys, and by the time shopping and dinner were over we were DONE! I don't mind that she wanted clothes but as she gets older I like to see her still wanting a few toys, hence a picture with some sloths. 

Okay now we are on to Connor's birthday. He's turning 8! He also pre shopped a bit amd knew lego was in his future. So we visited Master Mind Toys. He was excited to receive his birthday money as cash. He found a wallet at home and did a very good job of paying forems amd having his money counted. 

I did say February is busy! We also have a tradition we try to keep of visiting the West Ed Waterpark with all the grandkids. Everyone except Blake,  now that he's in Junior High, have a week day off in February called Faith Day. So its just the 4 kids now. We have an absoljey fun filled wet exhausting day! It will be sad as the numbers decrease as ages increase, we nigjt have to look at a different day or time. 

One totally non birthday item we dealt with this month was booking the hall for our 40th Anniversary!! We are so excited to host this. In Don's mom's family her and all her siblings had big hall anniversary parties and we wanted to do the same. It seems surreal that the hall is booked. I'll share more details as we get closer. 

So we are now a day away from departimg for the south!

I can't miss two other very important February birthdays! Our son in laws Cal and Jeremy. No birthday visits or special lunches. LOL I wonder where they would go to spend their gift money amd lunch with us?

February to be continued:)

Monday, February 10, 2020

A Whole New Year!

We welcomed 2020 with a trip to Saskatchewan!

First a stop at Ken and Brenda's in Lanigan. We were able to visit all their kids and families and as always Brenda fed and watered us well!

Then off to Tisdale. We stayed with Ron and Bev, and got up to our usual shenanigans. Or at least Bev and I did - who knows what the guys did. LOL

We had some great family time with mom and the rest of Don's family, and managed to ring in the New Year at Ron and Bev's.

I always feel like in January I'm trying to stuff in as many visits with the kids as possible, in anticipation of going south for a couple of months.

So we attended every possible event we could, including an ice fishing day, hockey and ringette games and tournaments and suppers and visits.

Not too exciting for the readers, but to us pure happiness. Take care.