Not to let the kitchen makeover rise above anything else - we bought a new to us fifth wheel!
We headed out for the July long weekend with the Camerons at Cross Lake, knowing that on our way home Monday we would be taking the Sedona to the dealer and bringing home a new to us Starcraft. The Sedona was 12 years old and has travelled with us from the farthest south part of Texas to Yellowknife and had an estimated 150,000 kms!
July was jam packed. Home form Cross Lake we headed to Coeur d'Alene Idaho with Jim and Janice, the kids and I minus Blake traveled overnight to Calgary for a hotel stay and zoo visit, kitchen renovations continued, we finally fit in a school's out lunch with all the grandkids, and we fit in a camping trip to Cypress Hills SK with Ken and Brenda!
Oh and the last photos are the new kitchen...