January and February are usually pretty work intense for Don and somewhat so for myself. Things changed up a bit this year and Don is not in a flat out work mode, which probably contributes to the itch.
So to placate ourselves this morning, when coffee was done and we were contemplating the day, it was a quick and easy decision when Don said we should drive to Jasper. So fueled up - we were on our way.
It's such a beautiful winter day there is no doubt walking the streets of Japser would be far more enjoyable than the hallways of West Edmonton Mall where we normally get our steps in for the day in winter when sidewalks are icy and the damp wind cuts through your clothing.
We don't seem to know many people who set out for day trips like this, but whether we are home in Alberta or discovering new roads in the western US, it's our favorite pastime.
The Rocky Mountains are as majestic when snow covered as in all the other seasons.
They provide the perfect background for conversation and reflection.
Jasper was a quiet little village today compared to some visits, Sunday being the perfect choice for those who prefer the solitude.
After a walk around and a stop or two in some favorite shops we stopped to enjoy this view...
While enjoying this meal...
Of course the drive home was populated with the local wildlife standing guard on the highway...
And hence we escaped and refuelled, if only for a day.
Until the next time!