Here’s another thing about some New Mexico State Parks – they have Wi-Fi! When we’re at home we seldom think about phone data, and I am sure when Americans are at home they don’t either. But put either of us across our borders and the struggle is real. So whether it’s to read emails, Facebook, do some work or just browse, free Wi-Fi in the campground is an absolute bonus! We have a Wi-Fire USB booster that was put to use, and all was well. Through the progression of new computers, etc. we did have to call on the data storage of Ivan to send us the correct files to work the booster (thanks Ivan), but after that it was smooth surfing.
Anyhow – back to the trip. Ken and Brenda have had a few minor challenges with their RV – the switch for the rear jacks, the awning motor and as they arrived at Elephant Butte, the sewer cable for the black water tank. Now anyone who knows Don knows these items are just challenges meant to be dealt with. The awning motor seemed like a do at home by a professional, but the other two were somewhat easy fixes. Find the sewer cable, replace it. Find a new switch – replace it. Both of these required visiting local stores searching for the items. Brenda found a mobile RV repair shop who had the sewer piece, and Don and Ken replaced it. Unfortunately no one stocked the switch, so it was 2-1 for the RV at this time.
The Smiths treated us to dinner one evening at the Truth or Consequences Brewing Co., as a thank you to Don for persevering through the repairs. The food was ordered form a food truck outside, and the brew was delicious. Since that day I have been on the hunt for a pineapple cider.
We also visited the museum in town. Now here is something you may not know – I don’t care for museums. I’m not sure where this stems from, but I would rather do many other things, including nothing. There have been exceptions such as the McMinnville Museum, which even then I didn’t go through the whole thing, but overall I am not an enthusiast. I’m sure if Don wrote this blog the stories would be different. But it’s kind of my blog. LOL
Our last adventure while staying here was a drive north to lunch in Socorro. Along the way we took a side road that led us through San Antonio. It is amazing how many town sin New Mexico have the same name as larger towns in other states, San Antonio being one of them. Las Vegas comes to mind as well.
Although San Antonio wasn’t highlighted on any maps or guides, it is quite the little community, and full of indications of a past life.
Here are a few of my favorite old buildings along the way. Just imagine…