Our Travel Blog

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Driving Miss Donna - what does this mean? Whenever I want to go somewhere, if Don is home he will usually drive. He always says he is driving miss Donna! This blog is for our travels, usually with our truck and fifth wheel trailer, but sometimes in our other wheels. When we are not vacationing check in for updates, although less frequent, about our life at home and our wonderful family:)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

And another year has began!

Well 2009 was a busy time. New baby, wedding, lots of "holidays"away, etc. Now we are already preparing for Emerson's 1st birthday. Hard to believe.

We are going to Red Deer today to an RV show. We are not in any way looking to purchase but we certainly enjoy looking. We will definitely have one more fifth before we say we are done buying. Our current trailer has a full rear bath, larger than ours at home. We love that luxury of space. It has a double clothes closet as well as a floor to ceiling linen closet. In fact we have so much storage that we have never used the bedroom closets for anything other than my purchases on vacation!

But - we also want recliners in the back living space, so we will have to sacrifice the bathroom some time down the road. What I have never wanted, and no offense to anyone who has it, is the bathroom in the bedroom, with no walls. I find this plain rude. Where else is it normal to sleep with a toilet adjacent to your head? The good news is that now most builders are making the bathroom a separate room from the bedroom. We will likely never have a bathroom the size of our current one, but at least it will be private.
One more awesome feature of our current home on wheels is that when you walk in our trailer we have a full size coat closet. Holds ALL our coats, my shoes and purses, the broom and vacuum, etc. We never realized how unique these features were until after we purchased our fifth and started looking at others and talking with them.

Ours is a 2006 Pilgrim, hard to believe we have had it that long already! We recently added up all our trips and the trailer has gone over 40,000 km! Already so many great memories...

We are going to Oregon at the end of March for 3 weeks. Time to see the ocean again. Neither of us love hot weather so we are looking forward to seeing our favorite coastline area in the spring. Ahhh - I can smell it already. This Pisces is ready to go!

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