Well here it is the end of January, and although I really don’t have that much news ( as news should be new stuff I think), I can report on all the activities that led us through this month and how fast it has passed. A part of me wants to say I’m just waiting for the time to pass so we can leave in the fifth. For sure we are seeking some warmer temperatures, but ultimately we just love living in the trailer and the lifestyle we enjoy. We do miss our kids and friends, watching Blake's hockey, impromptu visits with Emerson and Reese (and Tracy and Cal), trips to Fort McMurray to see Connor and his mom and dad, regular dinners out with the Scotts, my 7 am coffees with Sharon, etc. BUT we also love spending time alone, dropping in to visit friends that winter south, and walking, hiking and all the new scenery. Although I have simplified all belongings and space at home, living in the trailer continues to be enjoyable, cozy and a great choice.
But I dislike wishing time away, and as anyone who is our age can confirm, watching our family grow happens fast enough. So we enjoy the days we are home as well, and try not to focus on what is ahead.
Don has had a hodgepodge of time up north it seems. From equipment breakdowns to access approvals going slower than usual, I have been lucky to have him around a bit more than expected. In an attempt to reach my 10,000 daily steps, and as a thumbs down to the weather, we have become mall walkers. Don’t laugh until you try it!
Lindsay’s due date/delivery date is fast approaching, and I have been to Fort Mac to visit twice since Christmas. I am headed up there for February 2, and we are expecting a scheduled C Section on Monday February 3. I will write more about this new grandson when his arrival is complete:) I will also stay a week then, as well as one more week later in the month, to ensure that she is behaving and taking care of herself properly.
Lindsay and Jeremy are moving to Edmonton, so my last February visit will be bittersweet. I love the community of Fort McMurray and will be sad that this piece of connection will be gone. But I am so happy that I will be able to see them often, drop in for coffee, meet for visits, etc. And I know on their behalf living closer to family and not needing to make that 5 hour drive will change the dynamics of their family life. We are thrilled to see this move.
From a social side, as I has said in my last post, we have had some company this month. Darrell and Shirley arrived for a few days, and although Don was away, we had a great visit. As always happens with company we enjoyed lots of conversation, shopping, eating, movies, eating, shopping and lack of sleep. All in all a perfect visit!
This week we had my favourite people visit – my Uncle Michael and Aunt Doreen, along with cousin Diane and her son Rylan. Although it was a short visit, we had lots of great conversation, food and laughter. Michael is my mom’s youngest brother, and our 2 families spent a lot of my growing up years together. Sometimes I feel like Doreen is one of my greatest fans, but I think that’s just because we share the same beliefs about many things. Having them visit, to me, is like a boost of morale, and I just love it. It’s a kind of selfish thing:)
Today was lunch with Tracy and kids at Boston Pizza. It’s nice to do that, and with Blake having every Thursday afternoon off from school, it’s just doable.
So January draws to a close. I won’t tell you about the horrible weather this month has brought us. Just typical wind, rain, icy streets and sidewalks, etc. We are tough Canadians.
I’m looking forward to February and all it offers – a new grandson, 5 family birthdays (cake cake cake), challenging myself at those darn exercises, and enjoying this gift called life! Then March when the Stecyks move south, and Don and I depart on a new chapter of Driving Miss Donna!
Until then remember…