Our favorite place to visit is a toss up between Oregon and Washington. Neither Don nor I particularly care for high heat temperatures, and due to work restrictions (mostly mine) we travel in September or April. We have travelled most of the western states down to California. We have gone for 3 - 4 weeks in September for 7 years.
This year we are changing things up and going to Alaska in June! We both love the ocean. As soon as I smell the water I feel better. Don says it is because I am a Pisces.
Our approaching trip is to San Francisco the last week of April. Yes - to all you airplane addicts - we will be driving! We understand most people don't like driving as much as us, but give us a break. We will drive almost anywhere and like it. I have flown enough to know that all that time in an airport, on the runway, or in the plane is not necessarily fun either. Try a 14 hour flight to Japan just once!
I think once we have travelled North America as much as we can, including all of Canada and USA we can reach, we may venture over a body of water - but I have no promises.
So check back for 2009 trips:
April - San Francisco - only spent a couple of nights here before and love the area
June - Alaska with our good friends Paul and Mary
September - New Brunswick (work conference for Donna extended into a holiday - so yes we are flying)
November - Las Vegas - Lindsay and Jeremy's wedding!
Talk soon.