Well this has been a great trip so far with some weather altercations in Canada. We left on Thursday after work to drive to Pincher Creek, believing it was going to be about 10 below. It was actually 17 below, a foot of snow and VERY cold. I don't think the furnace quit once:)
Anyway on Friday morning after a tradiitonal breakfast at McDonalds (mandatory when staying in the Walmart RV Vistas), we headed into the states. We crossed the border at Eastport, Idaho and everything seemed better. Officially on vacation.
We are travelling with our friends Erica and Dione Gillam, who have a 10 month old daughter. Surprisingly enough we did not have any emergency stops, and haven't yet. She is a great traveller. We did stop for lunch however, and after getting groceries in Sandpoint found a state park called Farrragut. Today is our third night here.
Monday morning we are headed to Montanna, for reasons unknown. It just seems like a good place to go and we have not spent much time in Missoula. I won't share our plans after that as we will probably change our minds. ha ha
The last 2 days have been spent just sight seeing and shopping. Glad to find some pretty girlie clothes for Emerson, and Blake will have to settle for some less fancy clothes. But Grandma is not done shopping yet! Already miss the kids, it's been a week. XOXOXO's to them if their mommy reads this.
Check back - you never know when we will have wireless again and can update.